Usage and Storage of Electrodes

 Electrodes are costly, therefore, use and consume every bit of them.

 Do not discard STUB ENDS more than 40-50 mm length.

 Electrode coating can pick up moisture if exposed to atmosphere.

 Store and keep the electrodes (air tight) in a dry place.

 Heat the moisture affected/ prone electrodes in an electrode drying oven at 110-150°C for one hour before using.

Remember a Moisture Affected Electrode:

- has rusty stub end

- has white powder appearance in coating

- produces porous weld.

Storage of Electrodes:

The efficiency of an electrode is affected if the covering becomes damp.

- Keep electrodes in unopened packets in a dry store.

- Place packages on a duckboard or pallet, not directly on the floor.

- Store so that air can circulate around and through the stack.

- Do not allow packages to be in contact with walls or other wet surfaces.

- The temperature of the store should be about 5°C higher than the outside shade temperature to prevent condensation of moisture.

- Free air circulation in the store is as important as heating. Avoid wide fluctuations in the store temperature.

- Where electrodes cannot be stored in ideal conditions place a moisture absorbent material (e.g. silica gel) inside each storage container.

Drying Electrodes: Water in electrode covering is a potential source of hydrogen in the deposited metal and thus may cause.

- Porosity in the weld.

- Cracking in the weld.

Indications of electrodes affected by moisture are:

- White layer on covering.

- Swelling of covering during welding.

- Dis-integration of covering during welding.

- Excessive spatter.

- Excessive rusting of the core wire.

Electrode affected by moisture may be dried before use by putting them in a controlled drying oven for approximately one hour at a temperature around 110-150°C. This should not be done without reference to the conditions laid down by the manufacturer. It is important that hydrogen controlled electrodes are stored in dry, heated conditions at all times. 

For further details, refer the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them.

Post time: Dec-23-2022